Remède de bonne qualité


Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate interact.

Une boisson semblabe à de l'eau vermeille aux reflets brillants, destinée au soin des afflictions.

Choose a single nonpermanent spell or condition that is affecting you. If you chose a condition, its effect on you ends. If you chose a spell, attempt to counteract the spell (your level is your counteract level, and you attempt a Fortitude save as your counteract check).
This doesn’t remove any Hit Point damage normally dealt by the spell or condition, and it doesn’t prevent the spell or debilitating effect from affecting other allies or the environment around you. It can’t remove an ongoing affliction or prevent such an affliction from inflicting conditions on you later. It can’t remove conditions from the situation (such as prone or flanked). If the effect comes from a creature, hazard, or item of 20th level or higher, this item can’t remove its effect on you.

Bâtiment de production
